8 top AI search engines, free and paidArticle contains
  1. Benefits of AI search engines
  2. Not everything that shines is gold. Understanding AI search engines.
  3. Perplexity
  4. Phind
  5. You.com
  6. Komo
  7. Brave Leo AI
  8. Kagi
  9. Bing Copilot
  10. Google Gemini
  11. Conclusion
Best practices for optimizing SVG codeArticle contains
  1. Minify the code
  2. Compress the SVG files
    1. Enabling serving SVGZ files in Apache
    2. Enabling serving SVGZ files in Nginx
    3. Enabling serving SVGZ files in IIS
    4. Example page with SVG and SVGz
  3. Inkscape allows you to create optimized SVGs directly
    1. A step-by-step guide on how to save optimized SVG in Inkscape
    2. Additional options for optimization
  4. Command-line tool
Chart your course to accessibility: a guide for businessesArticle contains
  1. A guide to making things more accessible
  2. The current state of the field
  3. An urge for companies to act
Hand-held smartphone with two monitors on the sides

Chart your course to accessibility: a guide for businesses

It is unacceptable to treat accessibility as an afterthought in this digital era. It’s essential for a welcoming society since it ensures that people with all kinds of abilities can use and benefit from the same resources. Disability affects over 15% of the world’s population of approximately 8 billion people. In other words, 1.3 billion people are directly affected, according to the World Health Organization. This is a staggering number that is only going to increase due to reasons like an aging population.

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Bookmarklets for enhancing productivity in the browserArticle contains
  1. What is a browser bookmarklet?
  2. How to use a bookmarklet?
  3. How to install a bookmarklet?
  4. Can I use bookmarklets on mobile devices?
  5. How to use a bookmarklet?
  6. Bookmarklets creators
  7. Web development bookmarklets
  8. Bookmarklets for conversion
  9. Additional tools
Computer and few dots on the horizontal panel that mimics bookmarks

Bookmarklets for enhancing productivity in the browser

What is a browser bookmarklet?

A bookmarklet is a browser bookmark that contains JavaScript code instead of a web address. When clicked, bookmarklets can perform a wide variety of operations, such as running a search query from selected text or extracting data from a table. They are essentially bookmarks that run JavaScript code on the current page when clicked, allowing users to perform functions on the page they are already on, instead of being directed to a new webpage. Bookmarklets are easy to use, portable, and can be shared across different devices. They are generally safer to use than standard programs, as they can only run when clicked and cannot access files on the hard drive.

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Fixing Bing SERP "See more" behaviorArticle contains
  1. What is the issue with the URL hash part in Bing SERP snippet under the See more link?
  2. Why doesn't the browser take us to the element indicated in the URL hash part?
  3. How can we fix the behavior for Bing SERP snippet and See more link?
Example of search results page with SERP snippets and Bing logo

Fixing Bing SERP “See more” behavior

Sometimes Bing displays a SERP snippet with sections based on your heading structure on your page and links See more.

However, this See more link doesn’t go anywhere because the hash part in the URL is invalid. The hash part of a URL, denoted by #, is commonly referred to as a fragment identifier. When placed at the end of a URL, it points the browser to a specific section of a webpage.

Example See more link on Bing SERP snippet:


The Bing SERP snippet and its See more link contain the hash part (fragment identifier) that has the illegal character space %20. Hence, the link doesn’t point anywhere because it’s invalid. We need to fix it so that when the user activates the link, the browser will lead the user to the specified location under the hash ID.

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3 tips to improve your website's appearance on a SERP in Google and BingArticle contains
  1. Improving the home page SERP snippet on Google
  2. Improving the page SERP snippet on Google and Bing
    1. How do I get a thumbnail image displayed on the Google search results page for my website?
    2. How do I get a thumbnail image displayed on the Bing search results page for my website?
  3. Improving the SERP snippet on Bing by showing the contact email
Example of search results with a coupe of SERP snippets

3 tips to improve your website’s appearance on a SERP in Google and Bing

The appearance of a website on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) refers to how it is presented to users when they perform a search. SERP features are any search result displayed that is not a traditional link or paid search result. They include elements such as Rich Snippets, review stars, featured snippets, the People Also Ask component, and knowledge panels.

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Convert SVG to image in browser: PNG, JPEG, WebPArticle contains
  1. Example code for converting SVG to PNG image
  2. Brief explanation of SVG to image conversion
  3. Considerations and limitations
  4. Managing memory during the conversion process
  5. Converting SVG to JPG, JPEG, or WebP format
  6. Alternative methods for SVG conversion
  7. Converting SVG to image online
SVG text and three arrows that point to PNG, JPEG, and JPG, representing three different formats that SVG can be converted to.

Convert SVG to image in browser: PNG, JPEG, WebP

To convert SVG to PNG, JPG, or WebP WebP is a modern raster graphics file format created by Google to provide more powerful lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. It is designed to replace the JPEG, PNG, and GIF file formats, and it supports animation and alpha transparency. WebP images are less in size than popular formats such as PNG and JPEG, which might result in faster website load times., you can use the DOM API to create an object URL from the SVG code, load it into an image element, and then write that image to a Canvas. Finally, you can use the toDataURL() method to convert the Canvas to a base64 encoded PNG image.

Continue reading “Convert SVG to image in browser: PNG, JPEG, WebP”
Accessible and SEO friendly SVGsArticle contains
  1. What actually SVG is?
  2. SVG and Accessibility
    1. How do assistive technologies understand the content?
    2. How do assistive technologies understand SVG?
    3. Example 1: SVG icon and text
    4. Example 2: SVG icon only
    5. Example 3: SVG that should be treated as an image
    6. Example 4: SVG with complex data that requires a detailed description
    7. Example 5: SVG image referenced in the src attribute of the img tag
  3. SVG and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    1. Hyperlinks and SEO
    2. Page load times
    3. Indexing in image search engine
    4. What are the benefits of using an image search engine?
    5. Be careful with embedding SVG in HTML
  4. Summary
Making a business case for digital accessibilityArticle contains
  1. Reducing legal risks: Beyond compliance
  2. Enhancing user experience: A gateway to universal design
  3. Boosting brand reputation: Aligning with ethical consumerism
  4. Driving innovation: The mother of invention
  5. Expanding the customer base: Tapping into the disability market
  6. Summary: Inclusion and accessibility for the future
A group of people standing together. A blue hexagon shaped object in the background.

Making a business case for digital accessibility

In the ever-evolving landscape of global business, companies are constantly looking for ways to innovate and expand their market reach as well as to enhance their brand reputation.

On the path to these goals, one vital element that often gets overlooked is accessibility. Accessibility refers to the practice of making products, services, and environments usable by as many people as possible, particularly those with disabilities. However, this notion goes beyond simply ticking legal boxes. Embracing inclusivity and social responsibility isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s a powerful driver of business success.

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How to find the highest z-index on a page using JavaScriptArticle contains
  1. Practical code example for finding highest z-index
  2. Can this method be modified to work with iframes or shadow DOM?
    1. The example of how you might do this for an iframe
    2. The example of how you might do this for the shadowDOM
  3. Optimize function for performance