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This rule determine if page title fits into 600-pixel container.


Generally recommended page title length should be maximum 60 characters. However, the exact display limit is a bit more complicated and is based on a 600-pixel container in Google Search results. The rule calculates page title width based on 3 major parameters: font-family: arial, sans-serif, line-height: 1.3, font-size: 20px. This is because there is an allocated space for each search result, which currently measures at a maximum of 600px. See example:

google search results example container with 600px

Note that width is being shrunk to 548px when thumbnail image is being displayed next to the page title. See example:

google search results example container with thumbnail

How to fix it

  • If possible try to keep page title at maximum 60 characters. Otherwise it will be cut.


SiteLint, SEO, Best Practice

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