Check if a string is valid HTML using JavaScriptArticle contains
  1. Essential requirements
  2. How does the DOMParser interface parse HTML strings differently based on the mimeType argument?
  3. Practical example
  4. Code
  5. Example of validation error
  6. What a MIME type is and why it's used in the isStringValidHtml function?
  7. How does the DOMParser API handle invalid HTML syntax?
Optimizing Background Videos for Fast Loading: Tips and Strategies for Improved User ExperienceArticle contains
  1. Reduce the file size
  2. Remove audio from muted videos
  3. Convert to HTML5 supported formats
  4. Optimize the video's dimensions and aspect ratio for the page layout
  5. Lazy loading for video, including CSS background
  6. Preload the video
  7. Use a poster image
  8. Use a video hosting platform that supports adaptive bitrate streaming
An old, open briefcase with a mini beach and sun in it

Optimizing Background Videos for Fast Loading: Tips and Strategies for Improved User Experience

Adding videos to your website can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Web users love high-resolution videos, but if your website isn’t optimized to handle them, such content can cause performance problems.

When it comes to optimizing background videos for fast loading, there are several steps you can take.

Continue reading “Optimizing Background Videos for Fast Loading: Tips and Strategies for Improved User Experience”
Create a self-signed SSL certificate for Node.js on MacOSArticle contains
  1. Generate a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Node.js on MacOS (with Code Examples)
  2. Inspecting Node.js code
Detect browser zoom levelArticle contains
  1. Differentiating pinch zooming and text scaling
  2. Determining the text zoom level in a browser
  3. Identifying the pinch zoom level in a browser
  4. Practical example of detecting browser zoom levels
Hiding a text but making it accessible to a screen readerArticle contains
  1. Making hidden text accessible to screen readers: a guide
    1. Notes
  2. Difference between CSS class .visually-hidden and .sr-only
  3. Accessibility and Hidden Text: Can Screen Readers Detect It?
  4. How visibility: hidden affects screen readers
  5. Is there a way to test whether the hidden text is actually being read by screen readers after applying the .visually-hidden class?
  6. Why hide text from sighted users?
Female eye-looking, peeking through a triangle blue background

Hiding a text but making it accessible to a screen reader

Accessible hiding allows an element to be visually hidden while remaining accessible to assistive technologies such as screen readers. The approach is to apply a CSS class to the element that should not be shown.

There are several solutions for this type of CSS class, but we recommend following styles that cover hiding elements and optionally giving the ability to show the element when the element receives the focus or contains an element that has received focus. Useful for Skip to the main content links. See Adding a link at the top of each page that goes directly to the main content area.

Continue reading “Hiding a text but making it accessible to a screen reader”
Solution to "Type 'FileList' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator"Article contains
  1. Solution to the error Type 'FileList' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator
  2. Notes
Cache busting in Angular for static assetsArticle contains
  1. What is cache busting in Angular?
  2. A solution to the cache busting problem in Angular
  3. Effortlessly manage and update static assets in your Angular application
    1. Angular-based approach for cache busting static assets
  4. Share your feedback and improve the solution
  5. Explore a real-world example of cache busting in Angular
How to play YouTube videos in the background in the Brave browser (Android and iOS)Article contains
  1. How to play YouTube videos in the background on Android
  2. How to play YouTube videos in the background on iOS
How do I clear a big /var/log/journal folder?Article contains
  1. The problem
  2. How do I safely clear a big /var/log/journal folder?
    1. Determine how much disc space /var/log/journal consumes
    2. Clear (reduce) the folder size instantly
  3. Control the amount of disc space that /var/log/journal can utilise
OpenAI releases GPTBot with instructions on how to restrict accessArticle contains
  1. How GPTBot works
  2. GPTBot access restrictions
  3. Concerns regarding legal and ethical issues
Monitor and the sentence Chat GPT on it

OpenAI releases GPTBot with instructions on how to restrict access

OpenAI has released GPTBot, a new web crawler designed to boost future artificial intelligence models such as GPT-4 and the upcoming GPT-5. According to an OpenAI blog post, using GPTBot has the potential to improve existing AI models in areas such as accuracy and safety.

Web pages crawled with the GPTBot user agent may potentially be used to improve future models and are filtered to remove sources that require paywall access, are known to gather personally identifiable information (PII), or have text that violates our policies. Allowing GPTBot to access your site can help AI models become more accurate and improve their general capabilities and safety. Below, we also share how to disallow GPTBot from accessing your site.

Continue reading “OpenAI releases GPTBot with instructions on how to restrict access”