The Clipboard API in JavaScript provides a modern way to interact with the system clipboard, allowing reading from and writing to it programmatically. However, not all browsers support this API, or the API may not be available, so it’s important to implement a fallback solution for better compatibility. Let’s explore how to use the Clipboard API with a fallback mechanism.
To prevent multiple HTTP requests to the same endpoint, we can use a caching technique that stores and reuses previously fetched data.
This approach ensures that only the first request is sent to the server, while subsequent requests are held in a pending state and resolved with the same response as the first request.
In many browsers, when no explicit background color is set for the <html>
or <body> elements, they inherit a transparent background.
However, browsers often render the default background as white for visual consistency, particularly in user interfaces where a clear background is expected. This can lead to confusion when using JavaScript to check computed styles.
Creating a slug from a string in JavaScript can be useful for generating URLs or identifiers that are easy to read and share. A slug typically consists of lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores, and it does not contain spaces or special characters.
To get the XPath of an element using JavaScript, you can use an approach that traverses up the DOM tree from the target element, constructing the XPath string as it goes.
To determine whether a string is a valid JSON string in JavaScript, you can use the JSON.parse() method within a try...catch block. This approach leverages the fact that JSON.parse() throws a SyntaxError exception if the input string is not valid JSON. By catching this exception, you can accurately determine if the string represents valid JSON.
To check if an email is valid using JavaScript, you can use the checkValidity() method from an <input type="email"/> field (when checking in the browser environment) and additionally check for at (@) symbol in the email address.
We are going to validate the email address format only using browser and custom validation, but not if the email actually exists.
The below code consists of two functions: isInputTypeSupported and isValidEmail. These functions are designed to validate input types and email addresses, leveraging the HTML5 form validation capabilities and custom logic for more comprehensive validation.
To create accessible truncated text, it’s crucial to consider both the visual presentation and accessibility implications. Here are key points and techniques to achieve this.
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