Simple image gallery - accessible, responsive and with preloadingArticle contains
  1. Desired features
  2. Demo
  3. Tips for creating an accessible image gallery
Determining viewport size - small, medium and large - using CSSArticle contains
  1. CSS code for determining viewport size
  2. How to get the value of the viewport size
  3. Practical example of viewport size determination
What is a Single Page Application?Article contains
  1. What is the difference between Single Page Application and Multi Page Application?
  2. Benefits of Single Page Applications
  3. The Downsides of Single Page Applications
  4. SEO and crawling challenges
  5. Single page app example sites
Single Page Application

What is a Single Page Application?

A Single Page Application (SPA) is a web application or website that works within a web browser and only loads one document. It does not require page refreshing while in use, and the majority of its content remains unchanged with only minor updates.

Primary goal is to enable faster transitions and make the web application or website feel more like a native application.

Continue reading “What is a Single Page Application?”
Create custom and accessible tooltipArticle contains
  1. Requirements for creating custom and accessible tooltips in HTML
  2. Notes
    1. Reduce motion using CSS prefers-reduced-motion
    2. How to make tooltips with only CSS?
  3. Experimental example
  4. How a screen reader works with our tooltip
  5. Frequently Asked Questions about tooltips
    1. Do screen readers read tooltips?
    2. How do users access a tooltip?
    3. Why is it called a tooltip?
    4. Should you put links in tooltips?
Why using rule important in CSS is bad?Article contains
  1. What is !important CSS rule?
  2. Is using the CSS !important rule bad?
  3. What can be done instead of using !important?
  4. Exceptions in the !important flag usage
How to fix defer offscreen imagesArticle contains
  1. Fixing defer offscreen images: The ultimate solution
  2. Determining loaded and rendered images outside the viewport: An automatic approach
8 tips to speed up image loadingArticle contains
  1. Optimizing Image Loading in HTML for Improved User Experience and SEO
  2. Optimizing Images for Improved Performance
  3. Client-Side Image Optimization Techniques Before Uploading
  4. Implementing Responsive Images with srcset and sizes
  5. Lazy Loading Images: Deferring Offscreen Image Loading
    1. Exploring the Benefits of Lazy Loading
  6. Preloading Images for Faster Loading Times
  7. Boosting Performance with Priority Hints and fetchpriority
  8. Leveraging Browser Caching for Image Loading
  9. Enhancing Background Images with image-set()
  10. Utilizing Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
  11. Replacing Inline SVG Elements with Image Elements
What is digital accessibility?Article contains
  1. #Understanding and implementing accessibility: a practical guide
  2. #Web Accessibility Initiative: ensuring inclusivity for all users
  3. #Web Accessibility Success Criteria: enhancing user experience for people with disabilities
  4. #WCAG Conformance levels: achieving optimal accessibility standards
  5. #A Summary of digital accessibility best practices
  6. #Essential minimum requirements for web accessibility
  7. Crafting an Accessibility Statement for your website
  8. #Concluding remarks: essential considerations for digital accessibility
Definitive guide to indeterminate state of a checkboxArticle contains
  1. Understanding the indeterminate property
  2. Practical examples of indeterminate checkbox state usage
  3. What is a mixed state and how does it relate to the indeterminate state?
  4. Detecting the indeterminate state
  5. What is the value of the indeterminate state?
  6. How to change the indeterminate state
  7. Notes
  8. Browser support for the indeterminate state
  9. A practical example demonstrating the indeterminate state
  10. Resetting a checkbox to its initial state, including the indeterminate state
  11. Accessibility support for indeterminate state
    1. Indeterminate checkboxes (live code example)
    2. Results and considerations for accessibility
3 checkboxes with following states: unchecked, indeterminate, checked

Definitive guide to indeterminate state of a checkbox

In HTML, the indeterminate state is a special state for form elements like checkboxes, radio buttons, and progress bars. This state is used to indicate a condition where the element doesn’t have a definite state (neither checked nor unchecked).

This can happen when the user interacts with the control in a way that doesn’t clearly indicate their intention, such as clicking on the control without pressing the button or moving the mouse over the control without selecting it. When a form control is in an indeterminate state, it can be difficult for the browser to determine the user’s intent and may result in the form not being submitted or the control not being properly initialized.

Continue reading “Definitive guide to indeterminate state of a checkbox”
How to implement multiple selection with check boxes in an HTML without external librariesArticle contains
  1. Implementing multi-select dropdowns with checkboxes in HTML without external libraries
  2. Example code for multiple selection with checkboxes
    1. Basic example without javaScript
    2. Advanced example with JavaScript for ESC key action
    3. Allowing the user to select only one checkbox
    4. Keep open only one details element at a time
  3. Final notes on implementing multiple selection with checkboxes
"I'm possible" word with jumping person above

How to implement multiple selection with check boxes in an HTML without external libraries

The <select> HTML element represents a control that provides a menu of options. When used with an attribute multiple then it allows selecting multiple options at once. However, the current implementation for multiple selections is not optimal on a desktop device so we need to find a different way. The goal would be to build multiple selections that are accessible to everyone.

Continue reading “How to implement multiple selection with check boxes in an HTML without external libraries”