What is JSON LD? Frequently asked questions.Article contains
  1. What is LD JSON used for?
  2. Why should I use JSON-LD?
  3. Where to place in the code?
  4. Can I have many different structured data's on the page?
  5. Why does Google prefer JSON-LD than other structured data types?
  6. Is JSON-LD a W3C standard?
  7. How does JSON-LD affect SEO?
    1. JSON-LD, SEO and Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) example in Google
    2. JSON-LD, SEO and Contact example in Bing
  8. What are typical errors related to JSON-LD?
  9. Summary
  10. Fun fact about JSON-LD and the words used to find it
Improved lazy loading for image, video, and audioArticle contains
  1. Optimizing lazy loading for images, videos, and audio: Best practices and strategies
  2. The solution: Streamlining lazy loading for enhanced user experience
  3. Demo: Visual example of improved lazy loading in action
  4. Performance enhancement with lazy loading: Does it really work?
Google Rich Results and no items detectedArticle contains
  1. Why do I see No items detected message?
  2. How to fix it
3 blocks and each has one letter: S, E, O

Google Rich Results and no items detected

Structured data assists search engines in determining the type of content on a page. JSON-LD (<script type="application/ld+json">) is a structured data type recommended by Google. It offers a variety of schemas for various types of web pages, such as FAQs, Articles, Products, and so on. Including the appropriate schema markups can help Google better understand and rank the web page.

However, while working with schema on Google Rich Results you may get a message: No items detected (known also as no rich results detected in this url).

What does that mean?

Continue reading “Google Rich Results and no items detected”
SEO and traps with creating meta description in WordPressArticle contains
  1. How actually meta description is created in WordPress
  2. Traps
  3. What, if meta descriptions differ from each other
  4. Are there other ways to generate meta description?
SEO letters in bricks

SEO and traps with creating meta description in WordPress

An HTML element that offers a brief overview of a web page is known as a meta description (example <meta name="description" content="Describe your page content here"/>). The meta description tag of a website is displayed as part of the search snippet on a search engine results page (SERP) and is intended to provide the user with a summary of the content on the page and how it relates to their search query.

Search results snippet example from Google

The click-through rate (CTR) can be influenced by the meta description. That is, they can impact whether a person visits your page. As a result, it is the critical on-page SEO factor.

In this article, we’ll cover the traps that are hidden while using WordPress and plugins that automate that process.

Continue reading “SEO and traps with creating meta description in WordPress”
Best practices for writing good alt textArticle contains
  1. Good and bad alt text example
  2. The alt text and what to include - best practice
  3. Supplemental information
  4. Usage scenarios
  5. Example code
  6. Final words
4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performanceArticle contains
  1. Delay loading scripts for improved performance
    1. Reduce HTTP connections and download cost
    2. Consider download and execution costs
    3. Multiple scripts in one line can still result in multiple HTTP requests
    4. Be cautious when utilizing User Traffic Analytics
  2. Concatenation for efficient script delivery
  3. Brotli compression for faster page loading
  4. Boost website performance with HTTP/2
  5. Latest update: Optimize the use of multiple SVGs

4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performance

Everyone wants their site to be loaded fast. It’s not only good from the SEO perspective but also from the user experience perspective. However, achieving fast loading website it’s that easy quite often. Some use a one-click solution to magically resolve all loading performance issues. Use that with caution as those won’t resolve all issues you may have.

Continue reading “4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performance”