Creating a slug from a string in JavaScript
Learn how to create URL-friendly slugs from strings in JavaScript, simplifying web development and enhancing SEO.
Creating a slug from a string in JavaScript can be useful for generating URLs or identifiers that are easy to read and share. A slug typically consists of lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, or underscores, and it does not contain spaces or special characters.
Creating a slug from a string in JavaScript
Here’s how you can create a simple slugifier function in JavaScript:
function slugify(str, separator) {
let text = str.toLowerCase().trim();
const sets = [
to: 'a'
from: '[ÇĆĈČ]',
to: 'c'
from: '[ÐĎĐÞ]',
to: 'd'
to: 'e'
from: '[ĜĞĢǴ]',
to: 'g'
from: '[ĤḦ]',
to: 'h'
from: '[ÌÍÎÏĨĪĮİỈỊ]',
to: 'i'
from: '[Ĵ]',
to: 'j'
from: '[IJ]',
to: 'ij'
from: '[Ķ]',
to: 'k'
from: '[ĹĻĽŁ]',
to: 'l'
from: '[Ḿ]',
to: 'm'
from: '[ÑŃŅŇ]',
to: 'n'
to: 'o'
from: '[Œ]',
to: 'oe'
from: '[ṕ]',
to: 'p'
from: '[ŔŖŘ]',
to: 'r'
from: '[ߌŜŞŠ]',
to: 's'
from: '[ŢŤ]',
to: 't'
to: 'u'
from: '[ẂŴẀẄ]',
to: 'w'
from: '[ẍ]',
to: 'x'
from: '[ÝŶŸỲỴỶỸ]',
to: 'y'
from: '[ŹŻŽ]',
to: 'z'
from: `[·/_,:;']`,
to: '-'
const replaceChar = (set) => {
text = text.replace(new RegExp(set.from, 'gi'), set.to);
text = text
.replace(/\s+/g, '-')
.replace(/&/g, '-and-')
.replace(/[^\w-]+/g, '')
.replace(/--+/g, '-')
.replace(/^-+/, '')
.replace(/-+$/, '');
if (typeof separator !== 'undefined' && separator !== '-') {
text = text.replace(/-/g, separator);
return text;
Code explanation
This JavaScript function, slugify
, is designed to convert a given string (str
) into a URL-friendly format known as a slug
. It does this by replacing characters that aren’t typically allowed in URLs with a specified character or sequence of characters, which by default is a hyphen (-
). The function also allows an optional parameter separator
to specify a different character or sequence to be used instead of the hyphen.
Here’s a breakdown of how it works:
- Input Parameter: the function takes two parameters:
: the input string to be converted into a slug.separator
(optional): a character or string to replace hyphens with in the final slug. Defaults to-
- Lowercase conversion: the input string is immediately converted to lowercase using
.toLowerCase() method
and then trimmed of leading and trailing whitespace with.trim()
method. This ensures consistency regardless of case or extra spaces. - Character mapping: an array named sets contains objects that map specific sequences of characters (represented as regular expressions) to replacement strings. These mappings cover a wide range of accented letters and special characters, ensuring they are replaced with basic ASCII equivalents or simplified forms. For example, accented vowels like
are mapped to the lettera
, and the sequenceß
is mapped toss
. - Replacement process:
- The
function iterates over each object in the sets array, applying thefrom
mapping to the input string. This is done using theString.prototype.replace
method with a global (g
) and case-insensitive (i
) flag to ensure all instances of the matched characters are replaced. - After processing the
, the function performs several more replacements on the string:- Replaces spaces with hyphens.
- Replaces ampersands (
) with-and-
. - Removes all characters that are not alphanumeric or hyphens.
- Ensures there are no double hyphens by replacing them with single hyphens.
- Trims hyphens from both the beginning and end of the string.
- The
- Optional separator replacement: if a separator was provided and it’s not a hyphen, the function replaces all remaining hyphens in the string with the specified separator.
- Return value: finally, the function returns the processed slug as a string.
Example usage
const originalStr = "Hello, World! ñáéíóú";
const slug = CommonUtility.slugify(originalStr); // Assuming the function is part of a class named CommonUtility
console.log(slug); // Output might be something like "hello-world-n-a-e-i-o-u"
In this example, the original string includes accented characters and punctuation, which are transformed into a URL-friendly slug.