Best practices for SEO

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Best practices for SEO

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On this page
  1. General
  2. WordPress
  3. Performance: rendering and loading
  4. Quality
  5. Weekly Routine
  6. On-Page SEO Checklist


Tell search engine crawlers which URLs the crawler can access on your site using robots.txt

A robots.txt file can be found at the root of your website. As an example, for the website, the robots.txt file is located at The robots.txt file is a plain text file that adheres to the Robots Exclusion Standard. One or more rules are contained in a robots.txt file. Each rule restricts or allows access to a single file location on the domain or subdomain where the robots.txt file is hosted. Unless you declare otherwise in your robots.txt file, all files are assumed to be crawlable.

See Sitelint’s robots.txt file content.

Set search page to follow links, but no indexInternal search results are generally the last pages that search engines like to send their visitors to. However, links on a search result page are still quite valuable, and you should definitely want search engines to follow them. As a result, all links should be followed, and the robots meta tag should be as follows:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow, max-image-preview:large, index">
Build and submit a sitemapA sitemap is a file that contains information about your site’s pages, videos, and other assets, as well as the relationships between them. This file is read by search engines in order to crawl your site more efficiently. A sitemap tells the search engine which pages and files on your site you believe are important, as well as providing valuable information about these items. For example, when was the page last changed, and are there any different language versions of the page? See the Sitelint sitemap file.
Creating the page title

Once you have a specific topic, enter it into several search engines and see how users define it. Examples: a few examples for sentence Best practices for SEO.

Google example:

Google search results and section "People also ask": What are your top 5 SEO recommendations? What are the 3 core must haves of SEO? How to optimize SEO in 2023? How to master SEO 2023?
Google search results with the bottom part that contains suggested keywords

Bing example:

Bing keywords suggestion


Create canonical URL for the category page

WordPress auto-generates the canonical URL link for the single post and page, but not for the Category page type. To achieve that, you can add the following code to your functions.php:

function addCanonicalLinkForCategoryPage()
  if (is_category()) {
    $categories = get_the_category();
    $categoryId = $categories[0]->term_id;

    echo '<link rel="canonical" href="' .  get_category_link($categoryId) . '">';

add_action('wp_head', 'addCanonicalLinkForCategoryPage');

Performance: rendering and loading

Delay loading non-critical resourcesIn most cases, we are loading everything right now. However, that impacts the loading and rendering performance. Various browsers have various limits for maximum connections per host name. If the connection limit is reached, further requests will wait until connections free up. Consider reviewing those resources that can be loaded with delay. Example: analytics.
Enable protocol HTTP/2The primary goals for HTTP/2 are to reduce latency by enabling full request and response multiplexing, minimize protocol overhead via efficient compression of HTTP header fields, and add support for request prioritization and server push.
Static assets
  1. Keep the HTML file as small as possible.
  2. Minify and compress JavaScript and CSS stylesheets. Compression could be done automatically by enabling gzip or brotli compression for all static assets.
  3. Try combining all scripts or styles into one file. This will reduce the total number of HTTP requests.
  4. Configure the output cache and the cache expiration time. Example for Apache cache or Nginx cache settings.

Read also 8 tips to speed up image loading.


Delay loading non-critical resourcesIn most cases, we are loading everything right now. However, that impacts the loading and rendering performance. Various browsers have various limits for maximum connections per host name. If the connection limit is reached, further requests will wait until connections free up. Consider reviewing those resources that can be loaded with delay. Example: analytics.
Enable protocol HTTP/2The primary goals for HTTP/2 are to reduce latency by enabling full request and response multiplexing, minimize protocol overhead via efficient compression of HTTP header fields, and add support for request prioritization and server push.
Static assets
  1. Always provide an alternative description (attribute alt) for the image. It will not only help screen reader users, but also search engines understand what exactly is on the image.
  2. Implement Open Graph and Schema.

    Open Graphmeta tags are snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media.

    Schema markup ( is a structured data vocabulary that helps search engines more accurately understand the information on your website. Normally, HTML can’t provide enough tags or elements to describe the content more precisely. See example schema for the product.

Weekly Routine

Check Google Search ConsoleWeekly verify for all errors reported in Google Search Console.
Check Search Performance in Bing Webmaster ToolsWeekly verify for all errors reported in Bing Webmaster Tools.
Determine redirection errorsWhen you change the page title, don’t forget to redirect from the old one to the new one. For WordPress, we recommend to use WordPress Redirection Plugin.

On-Page SEO Checklist

See On-Page SEO Checklist on a separate page./p>

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