Optimizing Background Videos for Fast Loading: Tips and Strategies for Improved User ExperienceArticle contains
  1. Reduce the file size
  2. Remove audio from muted videos
  3. Convert to HTML5 supported formats
  4. Optimize the video's dimensions and aspect ratio for the page layout
  5. Lazy loading for video, including CSS background
  6. Preload the video
  7. Use a poster image
  8. Use a video hosting platform that supports adaptive bitrate streaming
An old, open briefcase with a mini beach and sun in it

Optimizing Background Videos for Fast Loading: Tips and Strategies for Improved User Experience

Adding videos to your website can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Web users love high-resolution videos, but if your website isn’t optimized to handle them, such content can cause performance problems.

When it comes to optimizing background videos for fast loading, there are several steps you can take.

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How do you measure the success of the website project?Article contains
  1. Key points of measuring the success of the website project
  2. What metrics and analytics do you use to track and report the website's performance and impact?
  3. Can data-driven decisions really optimize my website's user experience, content, and marketing strategies?
Fixing layout shifting brought on by custom fontsArticle contains
  1. How custom fonts affect layout shifting and what to do about it
  2. What the page look like before and after rendering custom web fonts?
  3. Strategies for minimizing layout shifts with custom fonts
  4. Enhancing font loading and rendering for better user experience and SEO
  5. Additional considerations for optimizing font performance and user experience
  6. What fonts do not produce layout shifts?
Letter with sample fonts

Fixing layout shifting brought on by custom fonts

Custom fonts impact performance through delayed text rendering and layout shifts. This is because they have to be downloaded and the layout must be repainted again. When a visible element on your website changes size or location, it might have an impact on the position of the content surrounding it. This is known as a layout shift.

Note that if a web font has not loaded, browsers typically delay text rendering.

Continue reading “Fixing layout shifting brought on by custom fonts”
Improved lazy loading for image, video, and audioArticle contains
  1. Optimizing lazy loading for images, videos, and audio: Best practices and strategies
  2. The solution: Streamlining lazy loading for enhanced user experience
  3. Demo: Visual example of improved lazy loading in action
  4. Performance enhancement with lazy loading: Does it really work?
How to compress the image on the client side before uploadingArticle contains
  1. Introduction: Understanding the need to compress images on the client side before uploading
  2. Should you compress images before uploading? Exploring the benefits of using JavaScript
  3. Step-by-step guide: Compressing images with JavaScript before uploading
  4. Limitations: Factors to consider when compressing images on the client side
  5. Workable example: Demonstrating image compression with JavaScript
Easy way to reduce Google Chrome's memory and CPU usageArticle contains
  1. Memory Saver
  2. Energy Saver
  3. How do I turn Memory Saver, and Energy Saver on or off?
  4. Final word
Accessibility and PerformanceArticle contains
  1. Unveiling user impacts: Understanding the relationship between Accessibility and Performance
  2. The technical side of Accessibility and Performance
  3. The power of Performance: How it influences Accessibility for users
  4. Optimizing for both Accessibility and Performance
  5. Conclusion: Balancing Accessibility and Performance for a better user experience
Two snails on a piece of wood

Accessibility and Performance

Performance and accessibility are two important aspects of web development. Since they are related, optimising one might result in improvements in the other.

Web performance is all about making websites fast: loading, rendering, and interacting.

When pages load slowly or have a lot of content to load, the experience can be very clunky and unpleasant for all users. More resources to download also mean more data that needs to be transferred through the network and processed. Let’s explore the user and business impact and how this could be improved.

Accessibility focuses primarily on making websites usable for people with disabilities. However, many accessibility requirements also improve usability for everyone. For example, good color contrast means all users can see your content no matter what device they’re using or the lighting in their surroundings.

Continue reading “Accessibility and Performance”
Determining viewport size - small, medium and large - using CSSArticle contains
  1. CSS code for determining viewport size
  2. How to get the value of the viewport size
  3. Practical example of viewport size determination
Lazy loading CSS background images for better website loading performanceArticle contains
  1. Can you lazy load background images?
  2. Set the goals for lazy loading CSS background
  3. The solution
  4. Workable example
  5. Download package
  6. Discussions
  7. Improved lazy loading for images, video, and audio
  8. How to set lazy loading images on other libraries
Collection of pictures in frame

Lazy loading CSS background images for better website loading performance

Every single HTTP request decreases loading performance. For a simple image, the attribute loading="lazy" can be used in order to defer the loading of off-screen images until the image appears on the screen. Lazy loading of images improves performance by reducing initial page load time, initial page weight, initial page rendering, and system resource usage.

  1. Initial page load time – with lazy loading, the page is loaded faster because only images that are visible on the screen are loaded.
  2. Initial page weight – because images that aren’t visible won’t be downloaded. Hence, the whole page weight will be smaller.
  3. Initial page rendering – less images to render, the faster the whole page will be rendered for the user.
  4. System resource usage – this refers to less resource usage like CPU, network, etc.
Continue reading “Lazy loading CSS background images for better website loading performance”
4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performanceArticle contains
  1. Delay loading scripts for improved performance
    1. Reduce HTTP connections and download cost
    2. Consider download and execution costs
    3. Multiple scripts in one line can still result in multiple HTTP requests
    4. Be cautious when utilizing User Traffic Analytics
  2. Concatenation for efficient script delivery
  3. Brotli compression for faster page loading
  4. Boost website performance with HTTP/2
  5. Latest update: Optimize the use of multiple SVGs

4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performance

Everyone wants their site to be loaded fast. It’s not only good from the SEO perspective but also from the user experience perspective. However, achieving fast loading website it’s that easy quite often. Some use a one-click solution to magically resolve all loading performance issues. Use that with caution as those won’t resolve all issues you may have.

Continue reading “4 simple things you should do in optimising website loading performance”